
Sunday, June 17, 2012

#70 >>> Seventy. Feeling happy.

Greeting with new photo, finally take some photo after getting my hair cut. Still trying to get use to my new hair length and stop complaining. Cut it for the sake of the health of my hair, so no choice.

Really happy lately, even today. Although there's nothing special happen. Just really happy with the things around me. Happy with myself. Smiling to sleep is the best. I am 
just feeling happy. Oh yeah. This is good.

let me think of some things that make me happy. (TODAY)
  1. Left with just one history homework!
  2. Collecting my reserved book tomorrow. 
  3. Saw my many cute bias on tv today!
  4. Found some stuff on my comp which makes me smile. Got a shock though.
  5. Having outing with buds on one of the day this week before we bid goodbye to holiday. (PICNIC pleaseeeee! Been wanting for it for months)
  6. Those nasty feeling is so little today, got some tiny bits but its forgotten easily because I don't want the frustrating feeling. Or maybe i am just too happy with myself to be feeling annoying. HEHEHEHEEHEHEHEE :D
  8. Found out some stuff today, its so lame for people to assume stuff. But idc! Its not like i am the one being angry. HAHAHAHAAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. 
  9. Suddenly think back of some stuff and it makes me smile, cause it shows that someone care.
  10. I am getting my money soon!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
  11. Really good mood lately. 
The list can seriously go on but i shall stop. 
Okay, actually the number 7 don't count. But i should really shut my eyes and go to bed already. Cause there's ton of stuff i wanna do tomorrow. Goodnights people, keep visiting my blog! I will sure keep update. Much loves, goodbye!